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Who is this crazy girl with the camera anyways?

I don’t want to start this relationship off on a lie…so I have a confession to make. I’m not a natural redhead. In fact, it’s quite the opposite — I usually have super blonde hair. But about a month ago, I felt like I needed a change, so I went for the red. But I’m totally digging it! Now that we’ve addressed the elephant in the room…

Hello! My name is Bethany (hence one of the “B’s” in the company name). I’m a bubbly, snarky, free-spirited 25-year old. I love hiking, reading and going to coffee shops. My favorite color is pink, and I hate wearing socks! I was born and raised in Las Cruces, New Mexico. I love that little town. The people, food and culture are all amazing, and it will always be home for me. However, I always knew that I wasn’t supposed to stay there forever, and I always had my sights set on leaving.

When I was younger, that excitement to leave New Mexico came in the form of travel. I first went out of the country when I was 13, and continued to make frequent international and nation trips. Fun fact: when the clock struck midnight on my 23rd birthday, I was sleeping on the floor of an airport, waiting to catch a flight to my 23rd country.

As for this passion of mine, I cannot remember a time when I didn’t have a camera in my hand. When I was just five years old, I filled up endless rolls of film on my little 35 mm camera. Soon, my parents realized buying a digital camera would end up being a lot cheaper than developing all those rolls of film, so they upgraded me. I continued to work my way up to more upgraded point-and-shoot digital cameras.

Then, my dad got a DSLR and I was OBSESSED! I was always looking for excuses to “borrow” it from him, before he told me that it was time to buy my own.

Really, I just thought my outfit was cute and wanted to document it.

Professionally, I’ve been in the media industry for 10 years. I worked as a reporter/photographer at various newspapers in New Mexico. Then, I moved to Phoenix for a job.

That job opportunity came in the form of a multi-media reporter at a weekly newspaper just outside of Phoenix. As the only reporter there, I was responsible for developing content to fill a newspaper each week — along with providing photography, videography and social media for each story.

This job was fun, fast-paced and very rewarding. But it was also stressful and exhausting. Working 14-hour days, including nights and weekends started to take a toll.

On top of that, I met and got engaged to the love of my life. He has a six-year-old son. I realized that I have a family now and that I have to change my priorities. So I took a good look at my life, and thought about what I truly loved and was good at. The answer: photography.

Because of that, I decided to step back from journalism; and my husband and I decided to take a big step of faith and start our own photography company.

So far, this has been the best decision ever! I love being able to do what I’m passionate about, create my own schedule and still be there for my family. And my family loves it too! My husband and son each have their own cameras, and they’ll often go to weddings or sessions as my second photographers.

My handsome husband and super sweet step-son.

So what can you expect from this blog? Well, just about everything pertaining to my business. I'm going to write about different photo sessions I've had — what challenges I faced, successes I accomplished, or even funny stories from the sessions.

This blog will also include growing along with me as a new small business owner. These won't be postings from a photographer who has "made it" in the field and is imparting their knowledge (if you give them an email and credit card number, of course). No, you will be experiencing the journey along with me — the mishaps and triumphs alike.

So grab a cup of coffee and read up!

Until next time, friends!


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