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A little bit about Bethany...


Hey there!

I'm Bethany — it's so nice to meet you! I am an energetic, book loving, coffee addict from Phoenix, Arizona. I am originally from New Mexico, and absolutely love it there! I still consider it home. But I have an adventurous spirit, and have traveled to 23 different countries thus far. In fact, traveling is what me first truly fall in love photography.



But when I'm not galavanting across the globe (it happens less frequently these days), I take up residence in the lovely Phoenix, Arizona. I am married to an incredible man that is honestly probably too good for me. He is the love of my life and is beyond supportive. Through him, I became a stepmother to the cutest seven-year-old boy. 

Oh, and I have two other loves of my life: my doggos Hunter and Ember. 

But I'm sure want to know how I got into this photography gig, right? Well, I spent ten years of my life in the newspaper industry as a multimedia reporter. It was exhilarating, but also exhausting.  After a long career as a reporter, I needed a change. So I focused on what I truly loved and launched my own photography business. Other than knowing how to take good photos, I had NO clue what I was doing when I first started this business. It has been a lot of successes and failures, but it has been SO FUN! I absolutely love meeting new people and helping them capture moments that mean so much to them. 


Here are a few pictures (above) of me with the man of my dreams *insert ALL the heart eyes emojis* And below you'll find all my babies — fur babies and my human baby.

My favorite thing about photography is helping you get from a vision you have in your head to final products that are EXACTLY what you hoped for. I want to deliver beautiful prints that you will want to hang up all over your home — prints that will make you smile every time you see them, even years down the road. 

If you would like that as well, then let's chat! If you are interested in booking a session and would like more information, or if you just think I'm really cool and want to hang out (ha, I'm really not that cool), then fill out the form below and I will be in contact with you shortly! 

Interested in a session?

Thanks for submitting! Bethany will be in contact with you soon!

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