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Senior Rep Session: Alexis

I wanted to take a minute to introduce you all to another one of my Senior Reps: Alexis!

This girl is so kind and so funny! It has been a blast having her on my team! And I LOVED her session, even if Mother Nature was working against us.

The day of her session, it was SO WINDY!! We had already settled on a location out in the desert, so despite the weather, we hiked to the spot we had planned. This girl handled the gusts of dirt like a pro! And the plus side is, all that wind made for some awesome golden hour lighting!

While the desert photos were gorgeous, I think my favorite photos were the last ones we took — and those were actually unplanned! We were getting in the car and I said "You know what would look super cute with your outfit and this lighting? If we took some photos of you in the middle of the road!" Alexis is down for any adventure, so she agreed.

We were losing light, but we quickly jumped in the car and scouted out the perfect road for our vision. And we struck GOLD. These photos turned out so great!

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