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Senior Rep Session: Megan

This year, I launched my Senior Rep program. I put so much time and energy into creating a program that I thought seniors would really love, and I was so stoked to welcome on two amazing girls to the BB Senior Rep Team.

A few weeks ago, I had my first individual session with one of my Reps, Megan. Let me tell ya, this girl is so down-to-earth. So much so, she decided to make an impromptu day trip up north the day of our session to go snowboarding.

She rushed back down, and literally threw on some mascara and a dress in the car, and she was ready to go! And the photos still turned out beautiful!

But the outcome of the session had nothing to do with wearing the perfect outfit or a full face of makeup. It had everything to do with the confidence of the model!

I'm not saying you shouldn't spend time getting all dolled up for your senior session. This is a big moment, and you should definitely cherish that and make it special! What I'm saying is that no matter what you decide to wear or do OWN IT!! Confidence is everything, and your photos will definitely show that!

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