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Simon + Kiara: Young Lovers

There are some sessions that you just get giddy about because you're so excited — this was one of those for me!

Let's start with the location: this place was DREAMY! I discovered it after a thorough search on Instagram, and just knew I had to shoot here! About a month before the shoot, I took my fam on a little road trip to scope it out, and it was every photographer's dream come true!

Now, the couple. Simon and Kiara are basically Hollister models in the flesh. They are so gorgeous together! The funny thing is, Kiara text me the night before the shoot worried because she said her and Simon were awkward when taking photos. I told her not to worry — we were just going to hang out and have some fun exploring the river!

It took a little while to get the pair comfortable with me and the camera, but pretty soon, with a little prompting, they were snuggling up for photos that gave me all the heart eyes!

See for yourself below! I think this takes the cake as my favorite session yet!

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