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Gonzales Family: The Secret Garden

This location was discovered totally by accident, but it is such a beautiful place for photos! A couple weeks ago, I was taking my son to meet his grandparents, who had a little field trip planned for him. We're driving in the middle of nowhere, when all of a sudden I see FLOWERS! Rows and rows of all different colored roses.

I got super excited, and my son got super excited because he knows how much I love flowers, and let's just say there was a lot of yelling and bouncing up and down in our car seats.

I didn't know how long these would be in season, or if they got harvested, but I knew I had to get a photoshoot planned there ASAP! Luckily, this adorable family was all for the adventure! I'd have to say, I day spent near a field of flowers while taking pictures is a day well spent in my mind!

*NOTE: If you take pictures in produce/crop fields, please remember that these fields are owned by someone who puts a LOT of work into maintaining them. Please be respectful and and remain on the outside and DO NOT go into the fields without permission!

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